Upgrading: Weapons - Increase attack
Ability Combining: Strong
Reaver Combining: None
Jetpack Crafting: None
Upgrading: Weapons - Changes weapon to water element
Upgrading: Armor - Increase water elemental resist
Ability Combining: Protection, Wind
Reaver Combining: Water Force Reavers
Jetpack Crafting: Aqua Resistance
Upgrading: Weapons - Increases stun chance
Ability Combining: Anti Sharp, Sharp
Reaver Combining: None
Jetpack Crafting: Anti-Crit
Upgrading: Weapons - Steals targets FP
Ability Combining: Saving
Reaver Combining: Dark Force Reavers
Jetpack Crafting: None
Upgrading: Weapons - Steals targets HP
Ability Combining: Vampire
Reaver Combining: None
Jetpack Crafting: None
Upgrading: Armor - Increases overall defense
Ability Combining: Solid
Reaver Combining: None
Jetpack Crafting: None
Upgrading: Weapons - Changes weapon to wind element
Upgrading: Armor - Increase wind elemental resist
Ability Combining: Strength
Reaver Combining: Wind Force Reavers
Jetpack Crafting: Wind Resistance
Upgrading: Armor - Gloves, Increases accuracy
Ability Combining: Fine
Reaver Combining: None
Jetpack Crafting: None
Upgrading: Weapons - Changes weapon to terra element
Upgrading: Armor - Increases terra elemental resist
Ability Combining: Advance Strength
Reaver Combining: Terra Force Reavers
Jetpack Crafting: Terra Resistance
Upgrading: Ranged Weapons - Increases range of attack
Ability Combining: Grand
Reaver Combining: None
Jetpack Crafting: None
Upgrading: Armor - Boots, Increases dodge
Ability Combining: Smart
Reaver Combining: None
Jetpack Crafting: None
Upgrading: Removes most recently applied talic to armor or weapons
Ability Combining: None
Ability Combining: None
Reaver Combining: Holy Force Reavers
Jetpack Crafting: None
Upgrading: Weapon - Changes weapon to fire element
Upgrading: Armor - Increases fire elemental resist
Ability Combining: Endurance
Reaver Combining: Fire Force Reavers
Jetpack Crafting: Fire Resistance
Upgrading: Armor - Helmet, decreases duration of debuffs on your character
Ability Combining: Guardian
Reaver Combining: None
Jetpack Crafting: None
Talics are used to increase the power of weapons, equipment, among other uses as well.
But the chances of putting a talic into the item is small (unless the server which you play on offers upgraders) so you will have to use gems/jewels to increase the chances of the talic being put into the item.
Each gem/jewel has a different bonus for the upgrade, to facilitate the exchange of jewelry they were named as T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5.
The most common gemsor jewelry are T1, T2 and T3, you get them through processing ores +1, +2 and +3 that you get from mining and in many other ways like from processing rare ores which you get from monsters or trading with other players.
Jewelry or T4 Gems are good because they have the highest chance of putting the talic into your item and are only obtained through processing ores +4, which are only acquired through mining at the core (FMA)
T1- Consists of a Rubi, Obsidian, Crystal and a Topaz
T2- Consists of a Light Ruby ,Lightning Obsidian, Water Crystal, Terra Topaz
T3- Consists of a Fire Ruby, Wind Obsidian ,Ice Crystal ,Poison Topaz
T4- Consists of a Spirit Ruby, Truth Obsidian, Angel Crystal, Elemental Topaz
T5- Consists of a Lucky Ruby, Lucky Obsidian, Lucky Crystal and Lucky Topz
(T4 and T5 is only obtained through ore+4 processing and/or Cash)
To improve equipment of any race the player will need an upgrader. (easily obtained from merchants in 213, Solus or Haram).

<< This is an upgrader
How to upgrade an item:
First Step: Buy an "Upgrader" from the npc.
Second Step: Right Click the Upgrader and a window should pop up.
Third Step: Try to understand the chances of upgrading that each equipment has.

There is a margin of safety for each equipment. To ignore the margin of safety can mean losing all talics already on your item or even worse, losing the item itself since it can be destroyed while trying to upgrade ; white equipment may contain four talics without affecting safety, purple equips also support 4 talics but reinforced equips is only safe until 2 talics. Rumors say that type C (orange) can contain only one talic and that orange equips may break on the first upgrade attempt.
Every talic on the equipment decreases the chance of upgrading by 10%, enhanced and Type A (purple) equipment decrease chances by 10%, that is, without any talics on it and Type C (orange) between 10 and 20%.
The probability for an equipment to break doesn´t depend on the talics or jewelry, as you exceed the margin of safety purple or enhanced equips is the number of talics times 10% to break. These probabilities have not yet been confirmed for orange and white equipment. Please note that you can also mix talics onto your equipment but it is not recommended because it messes up the chances of upgrading your equips so using the same talics on an equipment is always more recommended than mixing the talics.
Fourth Step: Place the item you want to improve, the talic and jewelry into the window in their respective slots, you can try upgrading without one of the gems/jewels but the success rate will decrease.
Fifth Step: Click upgrade to try to upgrade your equipment. You will know if your item was enhanced successfully or not because a message will appear.
In case you have already upgraded more than 5 times and your item now has more than 5 talics then if you fail the sixth try the item could be destroyed along with all talics on it. There is a chance of not losing the item but your item will lose all talics that have been put on it until now so think wisely before you try upgrading.